Break out your comfy sneaks, and prepare yourself for a ton of walking because the Museum District is having a free day on Saturday 12, 2009 from 10 a.m. to 5 p. m. What does this all mean? Well it means that particpating locations are free to you and all your chirrens. Ca-Ching! This means more money in your pocket for a nice pair of shoes, you can even get crazy and buy some new sippy cups. Particpating museums are:
Buffalo Soldiers National Museum
The Byzantine Fresco Chapel
The Children’s Museum of Houston
Contemporary Arts Museum Houston
The Health Museum
Holocaust Museum Houston
Houston Center for Contemporary Craft
Houston Center for Photography
Houston Museum of Natural Science
The John C. Freeman Weather Museum
The Jung Center of Houston
Lawndale Art Center
The Menil Collection
The Museum of Fine Arts
Rice University Art Gallery
The Rothko Chapel
Do them all or just one, either way, get out there!
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